In the March 2019 Network Bulletin, United Healthcare announced a policy revision under which consultation services will no longer be reimbursed. The CPT codes impacted are 99241-99255. UHC’s justification for this change is simply to “align with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services” (payers that stopped paying consultation codes in 2010). UHC plans to phase in this new policy with an effective date of June 1, 2019 for providers with a contract effective date of 2010 or later. Then, October 1 2019 is the effective date for all UHC providers.
a. A part of this UHC initiative is to engage providers with contracts signed in 2009 and prior –and to get their contracts updated to a current fee schedule. We encourage all providers presented with a “new” UHC agreement to review fee schedules closely before signing.